Hair Extensions - What kind are right for me?

Everyone deserves their dream hair! Extensions are color matched to seamlessly blend with your natural hair, leaving no visible line of what's your hair vs the extension!

With proper application, maintenance & care your natural hair is not going to be damaged at all, allowing for constant comfort once installed

You can shampoo, style and wear your extensions just as you normally would your natural hair. The hair lasts up to 1 year when taken proper care of.

Different Methods are available for you to discuss with your preferred extension professional to help determine the best application for you and your lifestyle! These include hand-tied wefts, tape ins, K-Tips and I-tips! Schedule a consultation with a Salon Norrell Aveda artist today to get the hair of your dreams! 

Revive your Blonde with Blonde Revival

Revive your Blonde with Blonde Revival

We are so excited to introduce to the newest product to our product family called Blonde Revival. It’s dreamy lavender packaging and soft fruity aroma are enough to pull you in! Let’s lear…

In need of a SPA DAY ?

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In the comfort of your own home, I invite you to relax & indulge the offerings of Aveda.

Start your night out with a relaxing bath. You can spice it up with your favorite blend of aroma. Aveda stylist, Jessica M. tells us her favorite is the Shampure Composition Oil. This aromatic oil gives a calm and relaxing touch that may also be used for scalp, skin and body for rejuvenating power. 


A hair mask is the next on your spa day to do list. A definite favorite is the NEW BOTANICAL REPAIR Intensive Strengthening Masque. This strengthening hair masque, works on strands from the inside out for a stronger, shinier, and naturally full of life look. 

Guess what the next must have is for your spa day? You guessed it, the facial! You’ll start out by gently cleansing with Botanical Kinetics Purifying Gel Cleanser. This also helps balance out the facial complexion. Aveda Artist, Jessica M. tells us her favorite, “I invite you to try the deep cleansing clay masque.” This aromatic masque absorbs excess oils and draws out impurities. It provides a fresh clarified feeling to your skin. You will instantly notice. After this masque, always remember to hydrate with Aveda Botanical Kinetics Hydrating Lotion. This lotion contains coconut and jojoba oils for a gentle, nurturing feel. 


To end your spa night, don’t forget to nourish your lips with a swipe of Aveda’s Lip Saver. (beeswax-free)