tampa extensions stylist

Weft Extensions - FAQ

Have you ever wanted longer, fuller, bombshell hair? Do you not want to wait for it to grow? Or, maybe you want bolder highlights but don’t want to damage your own hair? You can get instant gratification with extensions! Salon Norrell Artist Courtney shares her experience, “I personally have the beaded row weft extensions and I looove them! Best part? Nobody can tell I have them in and they hold curls for days!”


Can they damage my hair?

In short, the answer is yes. If your stylist is not installing them correctly, they absolutely can! It is highly recommended that you find a stylist that is certified in a hair extensions. There are many out there so do your research. Search before and after photos so you can determine the best fit for you. This should also be a great indicator if the extensions are color matched and blended well.


How often will I be in for maintenance?

Maintenance is generally every five weeks. The first move up is usually considered a mini move up. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes. You will be asked to come in with clean, dry hair prior to these appointments..:unless you want to treat yourself to a salon blowout! 10 weeks after the initial installation, the wefts are completely removed and freshly reapplied . When the beads are moved up, natural shedding will have taken place and is trapped in the beads. The shedding is combed out and the bead is re-pinched. For example, think of when you wear a ponytail all day … then you take it out, you have all that loose hair? In the like, Imagine five weeks of shedding trapped, it must be removed! This is why the five week maintenance is sooo important. Maintenance is important to avoid any issues with matting. Yuck! Hair over-matting can lead to breakage. Courtney comments, “I mean, we’re trying to add more hair not take it away… right?! Integrity is first and foremost the most important thing to me when doing installs.”


What kind of home maintenance?

The extension hair needs to be cared for with a very high performance shampoo and conditioner. Courtney recommends Aveda Botanical Repair. She also loves the Aveda Nutriplenish light moisture masque (every few weeks) to keep her own extensions feeling soft and smooth. The Nutriplenish Oil is also wonderful for instant softness and shine!


Is this going to break the bank?

Extensions are definitely a commitment. The price of hair and the price of installation would need to be added to your beauty budget. For exact pricing, be sure to schedule your consultation at TampaAveda.com/reservations or by calling 813-265-2000.

Hair Extensions - What kind are right for me?

Everyone deserves their dream hair! Extensions are color matched to seamlessly blend with your natural hair, leaving no visible line of what's your hair vs the extension!

With proper application, maintenance & care your natural hair is not going to be damaged at all, allowing for constant comfort once installed

You can shampoo, style and wear your extensions just as you normally would your natural hair. The hair lasts up to 1 year when taken proper care of.

Different Methods are available for you to discuss with your preferred extension professional to help determine the best application for you and your lifestyle! These include hand-tied wefts, tape ins, K-Tips and I-tips! Schedule a consultation with a Salon Norrell Aveda artist today to get the hair of your dreams!