Shades of Blonde ... What's the difference?
It’s a common mistake to confuse different shades of blonde. To one it may look honey blonde whereas to the other it looks golden blonde, same with bright blonde and ashy blonde.
There are so many different shades of blonde and knowing exactly what you are looking for will help you and your stylist in your next hair appointment!
There are so many different shades of blonde so knowing what you’re looking for and what fits for your lifestyle will help you choose what blonde is best for you!
Pre and Post Haircolor Must Do
Detox your hair with a clarifying shampoo. This helps mineral build up and residual build up from hard water and products.
Post Color Reservation
Every two weeks, or as prescribed by your colorist, use a masque to rehydrate your hair to ensure color will stay. A stronger hair strand will hold color longer.
Each Cleanse…
Make sure you are using a color safe shampoo and conditioner every time you cleanse your scalp and hair.
Every time you flat iron, curl or blowdry your hair, use a heat protectant. This will save your hair from so much heat damage .
Invest in…
your shower head. Replace your standard shower head for a water softening shower head. Your hair will thank you and so will your stylist.