aveda wedding

How do you know when THE TIME IS RIGHT FOR A HAIRCUT?


You may wondering why your friendly neighborhood stylist is so adamant about getting you in for a regular haircut. Truth be told, it’s one of the easiest and best services that goes a long way on your journey — to perfect hair.

Enjoy this small list of key benefits to having that regular haircut appointment.


As your hair starts to grow out it will naturally be susceptible to damage, weather from styling or brushing, heat damage, or even environmental factors like sun exposure. The ends, or oldest pieces of the hair, will start to split or unravel much like the a piece of yarn or fabric. If left alone these splits will travel far up the hair strand and create breakage and stunt your hair growth right in its tracks.


Remember the breakage we mentioned? As this starts to happen you may notice that the fullness of your hair starting to diminish through the ends, leaving them thinner and even scraggly. By having a regular trim you can prevent this and have full, beautiful, healthy hair from root to ends!

Frizz & Detangling

Ever notice your brush getting caught through the ends of your hair? That’s because the frayed cuticle, or outer layer of a hair strand, can start to create a sort of “Velcro affect”, getting hair strands stuck together and making it harder to run a brush through. Not to mention that the same frayed outer layer will cause a dull lifeless look, while a healthy strand will produce a silky shine!


Key in all the previous factors and you’ll realize that styling will be a breeze when you get regular cuts. From the countless time saved detangling in the morning to the effortless shine and fullness. Keeping your hair healthy will ultimately make anything you do to it look that much better!

How often should you schedule an appointment?

For hair that is thick or often left natural 8-10 weeks is great. For hair that is fine or styled often with with a blow dryer or hot irons, it is recommended to get a haircut every 6-8 weeks. For shorter styles like pixies or above the shoulder bobs, coming in every 2-6 weeks depending on the length and freshness of the style.

Weather it be a chop, a trim, or a dusting off the ends, considering them as a part of your regular routine will have you reaping the benefits of strong healthy hair.

Weather it be a chop, a trim, or a dusting off the ends, considering them as a part of your regular routine will have you reaping the benefits of strong healthy hair.

5 Blushing Bridal Tips

Flowers, veils, bridesmaids, showers….so many exciting and stressful things lead up to planning your special “ I DO “ Don’t let your bridal hair be a stressor. Here are a few tips to keep you blushing and crushing your special day!

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Do a hair trial with your stylist before your big day. Take any hair pieces, veils, hair accessories that you want to experiment with. Scheduling 2-8 weeks before your wedding is best. You want to ensure your special day is as stress-free as possible.


Be sure to reinforce your hair with Aveda Control Force hairspray. This is a definite if you plan on wearing it down. Limp, flat hair for your big day is not cute!


Do not forget your man’s hair! Not only is bridal hair important, if your groom’s hair is out of place it could ruin the whole picture! Make sure he has some Aveda’s Men’s Grooming Clay handy. It will also smell so yummy!


Lipstick that lasts is a sure essential because you can’t retake certain photos. Try Aveda Feed My Lips Lipstick. It is long lasting, softening and nourishing. It comes in 23 shades, one for you and your bridesmaids!


Be sure to keep your skin soft and supple. Your skin and hands have to be picture perfect for your upclose ring pics! Aveda’s Hand Relief Moisturizing Creme will give you irresistibly soft skin .